For your nearest leisure centre go to MyActive.uk or take a look at the list below:
Places and Spaces to be Active
Where can I go to Move More?
If you are wanting to move a bit more for your own physical and mental health, or wanting to support a family member, there are a variety of walking groups, sociable and fun classes, or activities to enjoy.
For walking groups check out Walk Derbyshire’s website
You can also speak to your health or wellbeing professional (eg your doctor or physio) about your exercise referral options, as dependant on your health condition, you may be entitled to 12 weeks of support
For example, take a look at ‘Live Stronger for Longer’, to which older people at risk of falls can self-refer. More info in the resources below.
Your High Peak Parks
Across the High Peak, there are a large number of parks and open spaces for you to enjoy. We have listed some of these below, where you can find a lots of ways to get moving more!


Mind Toolkit

We are Undefeatable

Live Stronger for Longer

Every Body Moves

Activity Alliance

Get Yourself Active
Contact Us
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or would like us to add a resource, get in touch at info@movemorehighpeak.co.uk
Email: info@movemorehighpeak.co.uk. | Move More High Peak, C/O Buxton Town Hall, Market Place, Buxton, SK17 6EL
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